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Promoting skills

WorldSkills Europe promotes skilled careers in 33 Member Countries, working with young people, educators, governments, and industries to help prepare the workforce and talent of today for the jobs of the future.


From the traditional professions to multi-skilled technology careers in the industry and service sectors, supported by Members, partners, industries, governments, volunteers, and educational institutions, WorldSkills Europe is making a direct impact on raising the level of skills throughout Europe.

Industry sectors

We promote a vast range of skills and professions, which are grouped into the following six industry sectors: 

Construction and Building Technology

This sector covers all the skilled areas related to the construction world. This encompasses everything from the foundation, grounds, building, finishing and maintenance of all types of buildings.


Creative Arts and Fashion

This sector covers all the skilled areas related to fine arts and fashionable design and creation. This encompasses everything from creative multimedia to interior decoration, and fashion.


Information and Communication Technology

This sector covers all the skilled areas related to information services. This encompasses everything from network creation and maintenance to development and finishing information technologies.


Manufacturing and Engineering Technology

This sector covers all the skilled areas related to industrial development and creation. This encompasses everything from the design, creation, and maintenance of anything involving electronics and machines.


Service Industry

This sector covers all the skilled areas related to the services industry. This encompasses services related to the food and beverage industry as well as hospitality and personal care.


Transportation and Logistics

This sector covers all the skilled areas related to the transportation world. This includes creating, repairing, and maintaining transportation vehicles.