EuroSkills 2016 Overall Video Report now online!

Only one month has passed since EuroSkills 2016 in Gothenburg Sweden came to an end and a final video summarizing the event is now online. In line with the philosophy to create a EuroSkills legacy within the community of Gothenburg on different levels, EuroSkills 2016 has involved students from the Media High School NTI Mediagymnastiet that created this video after their involvement before and during the event.
Before EuroSkills 2016 students of this Media high School produced several great promotional video’s. During the week, approximately 40 students filmed and produced video footage and photo’s at EuroSkills 2016 with the assignment to produce daily content for all social media channels, and daily movies of the Ceremonies and the competitions. For more video’s please visit the EuroSkills Youtube.
This final movie has been coordinated and cut by Albin Larsson.