EuroSkills 2014 Opening Ceremony in Lille Grand Palais

For the 4th time the EuroSkills Competition welcomed delegations from all over Europe. It was an Opening Ceremony to fit the name of its location at Lille Grand Palais, France.
The excitement could not be missed as the Competitors waited anxiously to be announced, in alphabetical order by country, in front of the more than 2.500 people that had turned up to participate in this evening of cultural exchange and national pride.
Mr. Christophe Pilch (Vice President of Apprenticeship, regional Council)and Laurent Hottiaux (Secretary General for regional affairs) were the first speakers to address the audience followed by a parade of 25 nations, counting 450 Competitors, being cheered on by their fellow countrymen and skills supporters. As per tradition, the host nation, France, walked on stage the last.
Eurocommissioner Mr. Laslo Andor presented the Europass for all EuroSkills competitors which is an European recognized certificate to document their international experience. A real asset for a young professionals career.
President of WorldSkills France Mr. Michel Guisembert made heartfelt speech. Followed by a very proud WorldSkills Europe President, Jos de Goey spoke directly to the Competitors “Let this be an experience of a lifetime, because you will not get a second chance to compete in EuroSkills. Use this in your further career to be an inspirational, proud craftsman to others, starting here in Lille.” encouraging them all to showcase their very best skills over the days to come.
Another tradition during the Opening Ceremony is reciting the EuroSkills Oath, which was taken by Morganne Borowczyk, a Competitor in Web Design from France and Jan Börstell an Expert in Automobile Technology from Sweden, the next host of EuroSkills in 2016. The Oath, which was sworn on the EuroSkills flag on behalf of their fellow Competitors and Experts, symbolizes the promise to compete and officiate fairly throughout the Competition.
The EuroSkills 2014 organising team, did a great job of delivering an Opening Ceremony worth remembering for many years to come.
Good luck to the Competitors and Experts as they venture into 3 intense days of competition ahead.
Excitement among the competitors just before the Ceremony
Models posing hairstyles made by past competitor Caroline Schmitt