Day 1 – EuroSkills 2016

All of the excitement from the Opening Ceremony last night, has turned to focus on the days ahead, concentrating on the competition project and being a good team mate. An expected 45.000 visitors will be walking through the halls, observing the Competitors every move, not surprisingly causing some anxiety in the workshops.
Depending on the size of the teams, every nation is supported by team leaders that follow them right from when they win their national competition and through the competition. The team leaders not only help the Competitors with practical tasks, they also provide a little home away from home, when the going gets tough.
On competition day 1 an impressive 21.388 visitors made their way through the halls of Svenska Mässan. Everywhere you went, students were grouping to follow a skill competition – whether it be Hotel Receptionist, Floristry, Health and Social Care or Wall and Floor Tiling. On site there are plenty of opportunities to research the perfect career choice, with guidance councellars and colleges doing their best to answer any questions.
These next coming days, the competition projects will begin to develop and the true skills of the Competitors will be obvious.
For images from Competition day 1 go to: