Be part of European Vocational Skills Week 2022

Between 16-20 May, a series of events are scheduled to showcase best practices in Vocational Education and Training (VET) across Europe.
The European Commission is inviting teachers, organisations, students, and trainers to be part of the sixth edition of European Vocational Skills Week - the annual campaign that celebrates the best practices in Vocational Education and Training (VET) in Europe by showcasing the benefits it offers young people and adults.
This year, the Week will centre on the theme of VET and the Green Transition, which is in line with the European Commission’s commitment to taking all the necessary steps to become carbon neutral by 2050, known as the European Green Deal, including equipping people with the appropriate skills for the transition.
Events organised by the Commission will explore what VET and the Green Transition means for us all, with an eye to the future and younger generations as the EU celebrates the European Year of Youth 2022.
European Commission events will be held on 18 and 19 May 2022 – including the flagship VET Excellence Awards on 18 May.
How can you be part of the Week?
Anyone can participate in an event or register a VET related event to be associated with European Vocational Skills Week. Events happening at any time before or after the Week can be registered - so this is a perfect opportunity for those wishing to promote events taking place throughout all of 2022.
The European Commission will provide event organisers with resources and information to help co-brand and promote their events.
Participants are also invited to nominate and vote in the VET Excellence Awards, and to share your VET story to inspire more people to: #DiscoverYourTalent and learn about #EUVocationalSkills.
For more information about European Voactional Skills Week, please visit: