2022 Forum on Vocational Excellence: 15-16 November

WorldSkills Europe CEO Laurence Gates will join the 2022 Forum on Vocational Excellence to speak about the importance of EuroSkills and WorldSkills Competitions.
With the aim of supporting the EU in its initiative on Centres of Vocational Excellence (CoVEs) and its vocational educational and training (VET) strategy, the European Commission and the Basque government, with the support of the European Training Foundation (ETF), Cedefop and EACEA, as well as the Community of Practice on CoVEs, and Katapult, will hold an international meeting in San Sebastian, Autonomous Community of the Basque Country, from 15 to 16 November.
The Forum will be held at the Tabakalera International Centre for Contemporary Culture. It will include the participation of the partners of ongoing CoVE projects, as well as other European centres currently developing or intending to develop initiatives on vocational excellence, and forming part of wider European networks.
The event aims to mobilise the participation of different VET centres and relevant stakeholders, to reach the European target of establishing at least 100 networks of vocational excellence by 2027.
The Forum has the following objectives:
To disseminate the CoVE initiative, make it more widely known, further boost the demand for Erasmus+ project applications, and increase the number of VET centres involved in the vocational excellence initiative.
To raise the awareness, support and involvement of national and regional authorities in the vocational excellence initiative.
To connect experiences and know-how of CoVEs with policy making for more impactful action on social inclusions.
To engage in focused thematic discussions on core elements of vocational excellence.
To share and debate examples of on-going CoVE projects, as well as present the Basque vocational education and training system, as inspiring examples for other countries.
European Commissioner Nicolas Schmit has confirmed his participation at the opening of the event on 15 November.
WorldSkills Europe CEO Laurence Gates will join the Forum on Day 1 (15 November) for a session called, "VET fit for the future – the role for Vocational Excellence", where she will speak about the ways in which EuroSkills and WorldSkills Competitions, together with participating Member Country organisations and Sponsors and Partners support the ambitions and activities of the CoVE initiative by helping to raise standards of excellence in technical and vocational education and training across the world.
The Forum will also benefit from high level political representatives, including national governments (from both EU and ETF partner countries), social partners and their European level representatives, VET provider associations, regional authorities, International organisations, as well as European institutions and Agencies.
The event will be hybrid, with a physical component in San Sebastian and the main parts of the program being streamed online for all to follow.
For more information about the event, visit: ec.europa.eu.