Our activities

WorldSkills Europe is part of the global movement “WorldSkills” that focusses upon promoting “the power of skills” to today’s society. To do so, the global movement formulated 6 different focus area’s to which practical aims and actual projects are linked to.

Using these focus area’s WorldSkills Europe, together with its members and partners, wants to showcase the power of skills on a European level. Using the platform WorldSkills Europe offers, the the ultimate goal is to learn from each other in the field of skills promotion, to inspire and share best practices and therefore make a bigger impact in society.

6 Focus Area’s

Prerequisites Focus Area’s

  • WorldSkills Europe wants to be the European network & knowledge Centre for Skills Competitions defined as a skills power-hub and information resource library where educators, policy-makers, industry and other organisations redefine the value and improve the attractiveness of skills by using skills competitions as a powerful tool.
  • WorldSkills Europe wants to act as the European platform where youth, educators, industry and governments can meet, learn and develop skills together and enjoy and celebrate European Youth craftsmanship at its best.

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